Sell from Home  | Earn from Home

Sell from Home | Earn from Home

Start Your
Online Business
From Home

Tendo enables anyone to start their online business without investing any capital.
Become a Tendo merchant now.
Get our mobile app

How Tendo Works

Earn with Tendo in three easy steps

Find product on Tendo

We have 1000s of products listed at wholesale prices.

Add profit and share

Add your profit to the products and share online.


Place order on Tendo for your customer. Tendo will deliver on your behalf, and send your profit.

Be your own boss.

Resellers make an average of 1000 cedis each month on Tendo.

See how to use Tendo Reseller App.

Benefits of becoming a Tendo reseller

  • No need for capital

    Earn an income without investing any capital. Don't worry about warehousing/logistics

  • Turn your Contacts to Customers

    Sharing products online, let you leverage on your network. Your contacts become your customers

Anyone can be a reseller on Tendo

“Tendo helps me make sales without the burden of transporting or carrying goods. Tendo is not a scam. It is a real business. For those who don’t trust online store business because some of such businesses are scams.”

Christiana Dossa

Christiana Dossa

Graphic & Web Designer

“I heard of Tendo during the pandemic. I was able to start a business without paying anything. I just add my profit on products and share. They deliver and send me my profit after a sale. Tendo has been really good to me.”



Student, KNUST

“I actually saw Tendo on Facebook. I decided to join Tendo because I needed no capital to start my own business. Tendo helped me to pay my fees and got other materials things that I needed.”

Jemima Boateng

Jemima Boateng


List your products and our resellers
will sell them for you at zero cost.

List your product.

Provide products at wholesale price. We list them on Tendo Reseller App.

Make sales.

Resellers will sell for you at no cost. Each week we will collect orders and handle deliveries.

Increase revenue and sales.

You receive cash for your products.


Grow your business organically with Tendo

Leverage on our reseller network to reach more people with your products. Expand and grow your business at zero extra cost.

Become a Tendo supplier.

List your products on Tendo and increase sales.

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Download The Tendo App Today!

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If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or WhatsApp +233540621335